• Happy Women's Day!
    2023-03-08 Happy Women's Day!
    Happy Women's Day! In order to celebrate the March 8th International Working Women's Day, promote the physical and mental health of female employees, and show the healthy, civilized and happy appearance of our female employees, we prepared flowers, gifts, and fruit tea parties for female employees. The company organized this event to thank all the employees of the company for their long-term hard work, especially on March 8th to show the company's care for female employees and improve the cohesion of employees. Our company used the afternoon to hold a happy tea party.
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  • The work conference for the first half of 2020 was held on July 28
    August 3,2020. The work conference for the first half of 2020 was held on July 28
    The work conference for the first half of 2020 was held on July 28 With the theme of "Innovation and Development, Set Sail against the Trend", the mid-year conference conducted important discussions on product upgrades, follow-up of factory operations, trade team building, etc., as well as the work plan for the second half of the year. Over the past 20 years, our initial aspirations for customers have remained unchanged. The company has been adhering to the core value of "sincerity, goodness, harmony and symbiosis" for more than 20 years, and we have always insisted on providing customers with quality products; Over the past 20 years, our innovative spirit has remained unchanged. From a simple understanding of a single product to a deep understanding of "product systemization", our innovative strength has been continuously strengthened; Over the past 20 years, we have been fulfilling our mission-building forever and beautiful, creating a better life. Times are changing, craftsmanship is changing, and our ingenuity of relying on factories to serve customers remains unchanged. In 2020, we rely on the factory to launch new products to customers, such as: Australia-type rockwool sandwich panel, PU edged rockwool sandwich panel, Grade B1 PU/PIR sandwich panel.... The prelude to the second half of 2020 has already begun. In the face of the new market situation, we will follow the development of the country and the industry, seize market opportunities, establish a market awareness of "cooperation and win-win", and make scientific decisions. Put forward higher requirements for the operational strength of the enterprise/factory, let our big ship ride the wind of time and set sail.
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  • Company Culture/Values Stories No. 1 2020
    July 6,2020. Company Culture/Values Stories No. 1 2020
    Company Culture/Values Stories No. 1 2020 In the RICH PLUS Cooperative Plant, the 1 million-meter ultra-large polyurethane sandwich panel cargo yard carries dozens of engineering metal sandwich panels. Under the guarantee of strong polyurethane energy-saving board productivity and the throughput of the large cargo yard, it can effectively ensure the customer's project delivery. Behind the huge shipments are the selfless contributions of RICH PLUS people. They are obscure but have created a great miracle. *****************story*************** Lisa Zhang, Join Fuya in 2018, Then set up elite customer service department As a member of an elite customer service team, She decisively chose this extremely challenging team. Compared with the ordinary customer service team, here is more challenging, The workload is larger, the docking production and customer problem handling requirements are more elaborate. As a mother of 2 children, She can work up to 15 hours a day, Every day, I leave early and return late, wearing stars and wearing moons, The children were asleep when they came home at night, Get up in the morning, 8-year-old brother can already take care of 3-year-old brother The 2 children were quietly waiting for grandma to make breakfast at home. And the eldest son's online class almost didn't bother her. Fortunately, the hard-working children of Mom and Dad saw in their eyes, I have also consciously developed the good quality of taking initiative, Online courses are self-study but homework has never fallen. It is in this working state, Lisa's work "0" mistakes after the year, It is an absolutely meticulous and stress-resistant female warrior. When asked why it is so "fighting", Lisa said with a smile: "The family's two sons (in China, one son need buy one house ) need to work hard!" In fact, colleagues who know her well know, She has always been a person responsible for the work and her. Not only her, but all colleagues of other elite customer service departments worked together, worked overtime overnight, and became a veteran of customer service, Lily Wei within 2 months; Sally Zhou, who still insists on work after pregnancy, requests leave for maternity inspection by the hour; As long as the department employees work overtime, they must accompany Yang Wei, the director of the Operation Support Department; There is also a loading team led by Gao Zhang, the "counter driver" of the steel production center, Up to 100 vehicles can be loaded every day...
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  • Dragon Boat Festival
    2020-06-25 Dragon Boat Festival
    How do you spend the Dragon Boat Festival? Have you thought about it? Let us first see how Rich plus's employees celebrate. A piece of zongzi, a piece of love Bao Zongzi, this scene! "Because ‘Bao Zongzi’ is a ‘traditional show’, are you familiar with it, or is your mouth greedy again? "I like dumplings because I love to eat them." "I like Bao Zongzi because the big guys are busy together and can enhance each other's feelings."
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  • Safety production month
    2020-06-10 Safety production month
    I want to be safe, I want to be better the 2020 safety month Every year in June is a national safety production month. This safety month takes the theme of "eliminating hidden dangers of accidents and building a safety line of defense" as a theme. For the safety activities, the "Safe Production Miles" activity started at the same time as the Safety Month. The entire safety month activity cycle will continue until the end of the year. In order to further enhance the safety awareness of employees, popularize safety knowledge, enhance self-insurance and mutual protection capabilities, and further promote the company's safety production development. Rich plus's Factory Safety and Environmental Protection Department organized the establishment of the "Safe Production Month" leading group, and formulated a series of safety months such as "Safety Month Propaganda", "Safety Skill Competition", "Pentane Accident Drill" and "Double Rewards and Punishments" Activate the activity plan.
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  • 3.15 Consumer Rights Day
    2020-03-15 3.15 Consumer Rights Day
    3.15 Consumer Rights Day, let you buy with confidence and confidence Recently, affected by the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, The annual "3·15" party announced the extension. Although the party was postponed, But actions to protect consumer rights cannot stop. Rich Plus hand in hand factory Strictly control the quality, do a good job in the enterprise, Integrity management, let customers buy with confidence! Take responsibility, strength first (super productive capacity) 1 million meters of super-large cargo yard makes the project delivery without worries In order to ensure the construction of emergency projects in Xiaotangshan hospitals throughout the country during the epidemic, the production center had worked overtime continuously day and night to assist national key project projects. Under the guarantee of the strong productivity of the polyurethane energy-saving board and the throughput of the large cargo yard, it can effectively ensure the customer's project delivery.
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  • Mother's Day
    2020-05-10 Mother's Day
    Gifts for Mother's Day | Fancy petting for mom with the longest love confession When I was a kid, when I went to school, Mom, where is my shoes~ Mom, where is my schoolbag~ When I grow up, I will go to work outside Mom, I'm going home today~ One sentence contains favorite food, Tanned quilts, various snacks After married, Mom, help me deliver the baby I'm going to work late But, never thought about it, In addition to being a mother, mother must be herself! On the advent of Mother's Day. Please hold her hand, Just like she was holding you when she was a child. Tell her a little story about "love", Say what you can't usually say; From behind, "changing" a bunch of surprises, Harvest her flowery smile.
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